What is the news that has caught your attention?

Yesterday, I was in the SINCA x Omotesando college session and it was very impressive. I received these strong messages.

Keep eyes open what’s going on
We have to follow the English news or news in other languages. If we follow only Japanese news, our world is going to be small and limited. Listening English podcast is one of the good idea. If we listen to BBC or Economist, we find different picture from US. Picking some news occurring in Japan reported in other countries and other languages is interesting as well.

Think more
As a next step, we have to think. After picking up the news that I sort of notice, think these two ways. What’s behind it? And What kind of implications does it have for me, my business, my company, and my industry?

Train myself
We almost have to train ourselves to pick the news, think along these and express our own words. I felt this kind of topic/question is also useful to train ourself. If you can say/send message anybody in the world, who would you pick and what would you say?

I start from today to be able to think and discuss from much more diverse perspectives.